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How to Avoid Holiday Sugar Overload


It’s no surprise that sugar consumption during the holidays can go off the charts.  The holiday season usually starts with Halloween and ends with Valentine’s Day.  The occasional holiday indulgence won’t hurt and let’s face it, we don’t want to be a grinch during this time, but we also want to be smart about our holiday choices.


(Photo by Laura D’Alessandro / CC BY)



5 Reasons Why You Want to Avoid Holiday Sugar Overload

  1. Sugar has highly addictive properties.  What can start out as an innocent treat can easily morph into a daily sugar fix. When you consume a sugary drink or snack, your brain is flooded with dopamine and develops a sugar tolerance which requires you to eat more sugar to obtain the same effect.
  2. Sugar makes you feel famished, making you just want to eat more.
  3. Hemoglobin test shows that sugar stays “sticky” in our cells for as long as 4 months, creating unhealthy fat, increasing inflammation and reducing immune health.
  4. Over consumption of sugar has been linked to development of diabetes, cancer, and even Alzheimer’s.  The Journal of Neurology recently published a study that linked higher glucose levels with impaired memory.  Neurologists are calling it Type 3 diabetes.
  5. Too much sugar can negatively impact your oral health leading up to cavities, gum diesease, tooth decay, and even tooth loss.
  6. Finally too much sugar will make you more prone to dramatic mood swings; turning you into the grinch!

How Much Sugar is In Your Holiday Goodies?

You might be surprised by how much sugar is in your holiday goodies.


-8 oz. Martinelli’s apple cider = 7.75 teaspoons (31 g)

-16 oz Starbucks hot chocolate = 10.74 teaspoons (43 g)

-1 candy cane = 2.75 teaspoons (11 g)

-5 oz glass of Riesling = 3.5 teaspoons (14 g)

-1/8 slice of sweet potato pie = 10.25 teaspoons (41 g)

-1 cup of eggnogg = 9.5 teaspoons (38 g)

How much sugar is too much?

Many foods have hidden added sugars (salad dressing,bread, fruit flavored yogurt) so be sure to read food labels.  The American Heart Association recommends that women limit their added sugar consumption to 6 teaspoons a day and men to 9 teaspoons.  The average American consumes a whopping 130 pounds of sugar a year.  That equates to 22 teaspoons of sugar a day!  Know the sugar “code names” that can be hidden as: high fructose corn syrup, agave nectar, brown rice syrup, evaporated cane juice, cane sugar, palm sugar, anything ending in an “ose”,  etc.  Even maple syrup and honey are recognized by your body as sugar.

How to Avoid Holiday Sugar Overload?

  1. Eat foods with anti-inflammatory properties that will counteract the added sugar such as greens, salmon, and walnuts.
  2. Simple food swaps such as having a glass of Chardonnay instead of Riesling helps.
  3. We tend to crave sugar when we’re emotionally and physically tired, so try to take time to exercise, sleep and have some “me” time.
  4. If you are going to indulge in a favorite treat, do it intentionally.  Commit to just one serving or two, and stop!

In conclusion, limiting your sugar intake can dramatically impact your overall health, and your body will thank you!  Wishing you and your family a very happy and healthy holiday season!

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