10290 N 92nd St. #204 (Bldg. 2) Scottsdale, AZ 85258
(480) 767-0132

Mouth Sores

Canker sores [apthous ulcers] are often confused with fever blisters [cold sores]. They are quite different, however. Canker sores are only found on the “loose” tissues of the mouth such as the inner lips, soft palate, cheeks, tongue, or floor of the mouth. They cannot be transmitted from one individual to another.

Cold sores are found usually on the outer lips, gums and hard palate. They begin as a red blister, burst and crust over. The cycle takes 7-14 days to heal. Cold sores, caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus, are contagious, being transmitted by skin-to-skin contact. The virus is dormant most of the time and is carried by almost everyone. Fever blisters occur most often in young adults and adolescents and decline in people over 35 years of age. Certain factors activate its outbreak, particularly stress, colds, fevers and/or sunburn.

To reduce occurences, avoid kissing when the blisters are visible; don’t squeeze or scrape the blister; wash your hands throughly before touching someone else; and use UV sunscreen on your lips before spending time in the sun.

Canker sores begin as small red circular swellings that usually ulcerate [rupture] within a day, afterwhich they become white, surrounded by reddish inflammation. They last 8-10 days. As open sores, they can be very painful to the touch. Canker sores afflict about 20% of the population. Their cause has yet to be discovered, although they appear to breakout more in stressful situations, from gettingĀ  a small “nick” in the skin [mucous membrane] or from foods such as citrus fruits and tomatoes.

Both canker and cold sores can be treated with a diode laser as long as they are caught in the early (prodromal) stage (first 48 hours). Several studies have shown that laser treatment can help reduce the pain and quicken the healing of the sore. If you are prone to either of these sores, call our office as soon as you feel the tingling/burning sensation and we can treat it with our laser therapy.

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