10290 N 92nd St. #204 (Bldg. 2) Scottsdale, AZ 85258
(480) 767-0132

The “New Normal”

When is the dental office going to reopen?  Is it going to be safe going to the dentist?  What changes will I see when I come in for my dental appointment?

These are a few of the questions that I’m sure are going through your mind as well as mine.

At Judy Huey DDS, PC, It has always been our goal to protect the health and safety of our patients and staff members.  As the Covid 19 situation evolves, we remain committed to this goal.  We continually check for updates from the most credible sources such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the American Dental Association (ADA).

I wanted to update you on all the steps that we are taking to ensure your safety.  Some of this may change as we are learning more each day about the virus.

So What is the New Normal?

  • We will be pre-screening all patients for travel and signs and symptoms of infection before scheduling their appointment.
  • We have reconfigured our waiting room for social distancing and have removed all magazines (sorry but no People magazines for now).
  • We will try to limit one patient at a time in the waiting room.  We’ll ask that you text us when you arrive for your appointment and have you wait in your car for our text to come in.  For parents, be sure you have child care arranged.
  • We’ll be taking everyone’s temperature upon arrival.  This includes all staff members as well.
  • During your visit, we will have you rinse with 1.5% hydrogen peroxide since the coronavirus is vulnerable to oxidation.
  • Fortunately, coronaviruses are enveloped viruses, meaning they are one of the easiest viruses to kill with the appropriate disinfectant.  We will clean and disinfect public areas frequently, including door handles, chairs and the bathroom.
  • We are installing Novaerus air purifiers in each treatment room. Novaerus uses ultra-low plasma technology energy  to kill airborne pathogens such as bacteria and viruses with no harmful byproducts.

We have always adhered to strict infection control guidelines utilizing universal precautions established by the CDC and the ADA to protect our patients and staff.  I had sent out an email in March outlining our protocols.  Click here for a behind the scenes look at what we’ve always done prior to the Covid 19 pandemic. https://judyhueydds.com/we-believe-in-infection-control/

Because Covid 19 is primarily transmitted through respiratory droplets, we in the dental profession face unique challenges when working in patient’s mouths. As an additional precaution, we will most likely resemble those health care workers that you’ve been seeing on TV with increased PPE (personal protective equipment) such as masks, face shields, gloves and surgical caps.  (I know, very stylish!)  Please keep in mind that it will still be our familiar faces underneath that protective equipment and that we will be so happy to see you all again.

At this time, we don’t know when we’ll be able to reopen.  I want to assure you that I am always available for consultations via phone (cell 480-789-2770) or email (office@judyhueydds.com) if you have any questions or concerns.

We are so looking forward to seeing everyone.  Please stay safe and be well.

Dr. Judy, Teri, Cathy, Karen, Val and Lisa


Comments (4)

Thank you for the call and this update
Dr Huey. Stay safe
Marsha Asta

It is all about taking care of each other. I think by doing all the necessary steps that you mentioned in your article, you will insure that every one is safe and protected. Dr. Judy, as I have said many times over, you always lead by example, and this article highlights just that. You are the very best Doctor I have ever known.

What a wonderful and professional message Dr. Judy. Please know that all of your patients are very happy with your concerns about our safety and we are concerned about your safety as well. I look forward to returning to Arizona in the near future and having my regular appointment with you. In the meantime please give my love to your staff and yourself and please be safe.?

Thank you for the update! We very much appreciate your diligence in keeping your patients, your wonderful staff, and yourself safe and healthy.

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